712-432-5200 number with pin code 4285115
As many of you know, there are some wonderful OA telephone meetings seven days a week
on the 712-432-5200 number with pin code 4285115.
(All times Eastern Time): 6:45 AM Sunrise,12:00 Noon,6:45 PM Sunset, 8:00 PM Recovery from Relapse, 9:00 PM 100 Pounders, 10:00 PM, 11:00 PM, 12:00 Midnight. (Check for a more complete list)
There is a technical glitch right now and the phone number does not appear to be working at times. When this happens, try 712-432-3900 with the pin code 4285115#. The star commands are different. You will need *6 to mute yourself and *7 unmute yourself. Hit ** for a complete menu of commands. (Moderators please check the ** for the menu as the moderator commands are different as well.) Please pass this message to others who might be interested in these meetings, and please retain it for future reference.