A huge thank you to Evelyn S. who served again this year as our CHIWIF Delegate to the World Service Business Conference. This year’s theme is “We ALL Belong.”
Here are some quick takeaways from her report:
1. OA is being sued for copyright infringement. PLEASE when creating flyers, newsletters, websites, etc. do not use copyrighted materials. You cannot just take pictures off the internet.
2. Members can sign up for a new bulletin on the website “WSO News Bulletin”
3. Watch for a new booklet “OA Handbook for Members, Groups & Service Bodies.”
4. Please purchase your literature from rather than other sites. It may be cheaper but this is how OA makes its money.
CHIWIF Bylaws to be amended – Passed 5/18/24
Under the rules of the CHIWIF Bylaws, Bylaws may be amended at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership present at any regular or special meeting of the Intergroup, provided a copy of the proposed amendments has been submitted in writing and received by each group affiliated with this Intergroup at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting in which action is to be taken on the amendment.
The vote will take place at our May 18, 2024, meeting.
Every group must receive a copy of this proposed Amendment and unfortunately Groups
are not keeping their contact information up to date on the website. We cannot be
certain every Group has received notice. It would be helpful if you would email us to
confirm receipt of the Proposed Amendment. Please use
Here is the full Announcement and each ByLaw proposed Amendment:
CHIWIF now accepts Zelle Payments
We are so excited to announce the adding of Zelle Payments for your ChiWif contributions. This has been a long-requested feature. We still accept checks if you prefer that payment method. Please pass the word onto your members and group treasurers.
In your Zelle account, pick
We have worked hard to make this available to you. It is important that you include the following information in your memo description. Without this information, we are unable to credit your meeting with the contribution.
Group Number
Meeting Day/Time
Meeting Location
If you still want to make your contributions by mail, please use this form
From the OA Board of Trustees
Hello All,
The Board of Trustees’ revisedSharing OA Literature Electronically Letteris now posted online and available for download and distribution.
Here are the direct links:
Please share this news with members, groups, and service bodies.
All OA Groups: REVISED Guidelines about Screen Sharing OA Literature
The OA Board of Trustees recognizes that many OA groups continue to meet virtually and seek ways to carry the message by using our literature. With this in mind, the board has updated its guidelines and issued a revised instructive letter, establishing clearer protocols for how OA literature may be shared on various electronic platforms. If your group meets virtually, use these guidelines to share limited OA literature appropriately, while protecting OA’s copyrights for the good of the Fellowship as a whole.
We ask that you download this letter (DOCX file) and share it with your group as soon as possible.
Please share or reprint this announcement in your group and service body newsletters. Thank you.
Thank you,
DeDe DeMoss
Publications Manager
Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
PO Box 44727
Rio Rancho, NM 87174-4727
Tel: (505) 891-2664 • Fax: (505) 891-4320
“Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this, I am responsible.”